Yeehah, I did it again! 😀
I got to talk about sexism in games and feminist gaming on Ö1 Nachtquartier (“night quarter”) on April 17, right after midnight! Thanks Xaver Forthuber for inviting me!
We discussed how I got hooked to gaming, how and why I picked “glamgeekgirl” as my nickname, what kinds of sexism women encounter in games, what to do about sexist attacks and many other aspects. We did so in a (I think) very approachable fashion – Ö1 is not exactly a youth station 😉 but I value it as a venue for intelligent discourse of various topics.
It was a call-in show (my first!) and there was a 75-year-old lady who wanted to know why most of the games that she sees in advertisements are war games with male heroes. 🙂
There were also some emails with questions. I will post and answer these here a bit later.
The show is in German, you can listen to it here. Attention: The file is almost 50 MB big, I already compressed it down to a half! 😉
[You can download the file here]
All photos in this post were taken by Jürgen, who is also hosting the audio file. Thanks! 🙂
I wish the show was available in English! I’d love to hear the questions you fielded and how you fielded them. It’s a big ask, but would you be able to give a little transcription of some of the more interesting questions/ answers? (How the heck did that 75 year old respond to your answer?!)
Loving the blog overall, great work.