Last Monday, on April 16 2012, I presented my MSc thesis to the Danube University’s committee. I’m happy to say it went extremely well. 🙂
My thesis is about:
Aesthetic, Immersive and Transmedia Potentials of Game Platforms – Taking the Example of Assassin’s Creed
Now let’s be clear: My thesis is 160 pages cover-to-cover, so these are very limited, selected results.
I’ve stated three research questions in my thesis:
“How do technical parameters define a platform’s aesthetic, and in further consequence, immersive potentials?”
Transmedia Storytelling:
“What are the transmedia potentials of a multi-platform game franchise?”
“If there will be not one single “black box” to replace all other platforms, will smartphones become the focal point that integrates with all other platforms?”
These were the platforms I selected, and the reasons why:
I’ve conducted a comparative analysis of these platforms in the theoretical part of my thesis, and then asked questions about them in general, as well as related to Assassin’s Creed, in my online survey.
Here are some results of my survey:
Now, since the context is a bit less academic than within my thesis … if you do not know Assassin’s Creed, go play it – the respondents of my survey agreed that AC2 was the best one. And if you can’t, check out the Wikipedia article or look at some YouTube videos.
Now, these were my main observations about Assassin’s Creed on a few selected platforms:

Now, let’s finish this up with a selection of conclusions about the three main topics:
That’s it for now. 🙂 If you have any questions, let me know in the comments!